Link To Success and Alice E. Foster Memorial Scholarships
We are pleased to offer two scholarship opportunities to support the academic pursuits of deserving students in the San Jose community. The Links to Success Scholarship and the Alice E. Foster Memorial Scholarship are designed to provide financial assistance to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, leadership potential, and a commitment to community service.
Link To Success Scholarship
To apply for the Link To Success Scholarship, ensure you meet the following criteria:
- Be of African Descent;
- Have a grade point average ranging from 2.0 to 3.2;
- Reside in Santa Clara County;
- Plan to attend a 2- or 4-year college or university.
- Deadline: The application must be postmarked by April 10, 2024. Award recipients will be notified by May 2024.
Alice E. Foster Memorial Scholarship
To be eligible for the Alice E. Foster Memorial Scholarship, you must:
- Have been in foster care;
- Be enrolled or have been accepted to a Two year/Four-year higher college or vocational school;
- Have financial need;
- Be motivated to achieve your educational and career goals;
- Reside in Santa Clara County;
- Be of African Descent.
- Deadline: Applications are due, postmarked, by June 30, 2024
The application process is simple and straightforward. To apply, interested students must submit their completed applications to Mrs. Malaika Young, our Scholarship Chair, either by mail or email. We look forward to receiving your application and wish you the best of luck in your academic journey!